There are beliefs, ideas floating in the collective and around us. But it is our choice whether we believe in ourselves or in those artefacts floating around. It might be that the decision has to be made over and over again. It might be that I will have to make this decision over and over again - to believe in myself, see my heart and passions and choose to give them space for expression.
In my home, in my body, in me, there is a Well - I see it now. A Well from which I can always draw and where I can rest. It's a Well that spirals with creativity, passion, magic, flowers, and ideas - all there for me, ready to be brought to the world.
So far, along my path, I have made decisions and chosen beliefs that blocked the flow from my Well to the world. Because of those beliefs and decisions it couldn't flow through my whole being. It resulted in a form of constipation, hard rocks that were bottling up in me - passions, longings, expressions of my heart calcified and wrapped in grief. I see each one of them and hug them with the warmth of love and compassion. "I see and acknowledge you all". You are the fruit of different parts of me that never fully ripened and died waiting to be nourished, seen, smelled and tasted.
"You are now my gifts to Mother Earth, I return you to Her. Thank you for showing me the way, for the lessons. I let you go. I love you. Thank you."
I choose now to know, to trust and to believe in my path, in the curiosity and in light that guide me. And I trust my strong heart to be my guide so I can freely dance with that light and the joy.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.